Taking pre-natal vitamins to never running out of a diaper are just some of the things to think about when calculating the cost of a baby in the first year. Many things are bought only once for a baby (such as the crib and high chair), while other expenses reoccur on a monthly basis, such as purchasing baby food and diapers.
Baby Preparation
Before the baby actually arrives, you are looking at
• $1,500 for monthly check ups with the doctor regarding your pre-natal care.
• $15 for a one-month supply of prenatal vitamins
• An average of $5,000 for hospital bills
• $45 for an infant car seat – required
A nursery is the place generally set aside for a baby to sleep. Aside from the cost of decorating, which is not a requirement – the average cost regarding necessities for the room include:
• Crib – $100
• Crib mattress – $45
• Crib sheets – $10 each
• Crib blankets – $10 each
• Crib mattress pads – $8 each
• Receiving blankets – $3 each
• Crib mobile – $15
• Changing table – $90
• Changing table pads – $8
• Cradle or bassinette –$80
When it comes to washing baby, protecting baby, and addressing other hygiene concerns, the average cost to care for a baby is:
• Baby bathtub – $15
• Baby washcloths – $.80 each
• Bathtub ring – $9
• Faucet protectors – $2 each
• Hooded towels – $6 each
• Toothbrushes – $1 each
• Hairbrushes and combs – $7 each
• Digital thermometer – $10
• Common bath products: baby soap ($3 each), baby lotion ($3 each), baby powder ($2 each), baby oil ($3 each), and diaper rash ointment ($3.50 each).
• Laundry detergent for baby clothing – $10 per month
• Drawer latches ($.13 each) and outlet plug covers ($.09 each)
• Baby monitor – $25 each
If your baby should become sick, plan on purchasing a humidifier/vaporizer ($35 each), nasal aspirator ($2 each), and medicine droppers ($2 each).
Diapers play an essential role in caring for a baby. Disposable diapers cost about $.30 each and you will go through about 75 diapers in a week or nearly 320 diapers in a month [1]. A year supply of diapers costs an average of $1,152. Other diaper-related needs include:
• Baby wipes – $3 per box; $72 per year
• Burp cloths – $12 per dozen
• Diaper bags – $15 each
• Diaper pail – $18 each
Breastfeeding and Formula
A baby is fed either breast milk or formula. Breastfeeding mothers should expect to buy nursing pads ($.58 each), nursing bras ($14 each), pacifiers ($2 each), and pacifier holders ($1.50 each). You may also want to invest in a breast pump ($25).
If you intend to feed your child formula, prepare to pay for about 32 cans of formula per month ($3.65 each) or a yearly cost of about $1,400. Two baby wipes ($3) are needed per month for a yearly cost of $72. Four-ounce bottles cost $.99 each, while eight-ounce bottles cost $1.65 each. Nipples for the bottles cost about $.30 each. Bottles are cleaned with special brushes that cost about $2 each. If you plan on using bottle inserts, one box costs about $3.50 and you will need about four per month – costing around $170 for a year supply.
When dressing your newborn from head to toe, the cost of baby clothing varies depending on brand and size. General costs include:
• Sleepers – $5 each
• Hats – $2.75 each
• Booties – $2.40 each
• Gowns – $6 each
• Outfits – $12 each
• Socks – $2.50 each
• Coats – $25 each
• Shirts – $6 each
• Pants – $9 each
Your baby will also start to eat solid foods around 6 months old. One jar of baby food costs around $.50 each. You may need up to two jars of food per day in the beginning. For the first year, you may spend $182 on baby food jars.
First-Year Expenses – Travel and Food
When a baby starts to grow in its first year, you must consider purchasing essentials, such as a toddler car seat ($55), high chair ($47), childproof plates and bowls ($4), infant spoons ($1), cloth bibs ($2.75), and plastic bibs ($2).
Miscellaneous Items
Other items that will come into play for the first year of a baby include distractions and extra equipment that makes life easier, including strollers ($48), carriers ($40), play sets ($60), various diaper bags ($15), swings ($80), doorway jumpers ($20), small toys and stuffed animals ($8 to $10), books ($3), and baby’s first pictures ($30).
[1] http://www.teenageparent.org/english/costofbaby2B.html